Kia Ora!

This week for R.E(Religious Education) we have been making art/posters about some of the different forms of the holy spirit.

My art consists of the signs Fire, Water, Cloud And Wind.

Down Below Are The Explanations Of The Signs/Elements⬇

The Holy Spirit, depicted in various forms throughout texts, manifests through potent symbols, each carrying significance.

Fire symbolizes purification and illumination, echoing the flames that descended upon the disciples during Pentecost, igniting their spirits with divine zeal.

Water, symbolizing life, renewal, and cleansing, represents the Spirit’s ability to quench spiritual thirst and baptize believers into a new life.

Clouds, veiling the divine presence in mystery and grandeur, signify the Spirit’s transcendence and sovereignty, guiding and protecting like the pillar of cloud that led the Israelites through the wilderness.

Wind, unseen yet felt, embodies the Spirit’s power to move hearts and minds, stirring transformation and bringing forth new beginnings, as witnessed in the gentle breeze that Elijah perceived as the whisper of God’s voice. These symbols converge to illustrate the multifaceted nature of the Holy Spirit, ever-present and dynamic in its work among believers.

Question: What Symbol Is Your Favourite?

PBL Work

This week in PBL we have been creating custom worlds and islands that contain different things.

The things I put into my world are a Village, Swamp, Forest, River and Ocean

Two animals I put in were Frogs and Fish

This is my PBL 6 different parts of the world and has different places like the Ocean and Forest the different places have life for example the ocean has Tropical Fish and the Swamp has Frogs. I made the different places containing different things like the swamp has mangrove and the forest has lots of different trees.

Super Skyscrapers

This week in reading we have been reading about skyscrapers and tall buildings.

The two structures I learned about were called the burj khalifa and the KVLY-TV mast.

Two facts I learned were that the burj khalifa has 163 floors and that the KVLY mast has more than 150 floors.

My Reading goal was to:

  • Make connections between texts
  • Identify some text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about.

    For my reading create was to make your own skyscraper and mine is in Minecraft.
    My Minecraft Building is WIP so I havent finnished the building.

    This link is to my planning Link       

    My question for you is have you ever been to a tall building and would you climb the Burj khalifa that is 880M tall?

Wonderful Water

This week for writing we have been learning about water. I learned that you lose water from your body when breathing, running, peeing and bleeding.

My learning goal was to create content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task.

I learnt about water. One fact I learnt was that humans are around 60% water.

I chose this because I think water is cool.

What else do you think we need water for?

Amazing Animals

This week for reading we have been learning about natural resources. I learned that animals are a natural resource.

My learning goal was to identify several ideas, discuss the author’s stance or purpose, and understand relationships in the text.

I learnt about animals. One fact I learnt was that animals are a critical component of ecosystems and our environment.

I chose this because I am quite an animal nerd.

What else do you think is a natural resource?


Last week in math we had to make patterns out of shapes and make a rule for them. we also had to show what we noticed about our patterns. my pattern is like a sideways lightning bolt for the first position but then it gets longer and has a bar/line of squares at the top.

Here is my pattern

I noticed that the patern grows by 3 squares every position on the top, left and right

My rule is P3 +1 P means position. for example position 3×3=9  9+1= 10.

how many square for pos 102?  😁

How Can We Be Champions Of Peace


How can we be Champions of Peace

For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions on Peace’. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are the yin yang, Olive branch, Dove, broken rifle and white poppy

These symbols represent peace because they have a peaceful backstory.

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because It is the word PEACE


We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about Cristiano Ronaldo. I thought this person was a champion of peace because he said determination is an inspiration to many people because it shows that even if you have a difficult task in front of you, you can still achieve your goals.


We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 

I enjoyed learning about peace because it helped me realize what is going around in the world.

I learnt that peace isn’t just thinking, it’s acting.

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by being extremely nice at school.


In Science this term, one of the experiments we did was: Water with Salt

Materials needed :

  • Copper nail
  • Zinc Nail
  • Clamps with buzzer
  • Salt
  • Specimen jar

My Hypothesis: Before conducting my experiment I thought that it wouldn’t work because salt water with clamps and metal just doesn’t make any sense.

What I discovered: After finishing my experiment I found out that my hypothesis was incorrect our group was the first group to make a sound with the buzzer.

On our first try of connecting electricity and the salt water we got it and it was a loud ringing sound but then it faded away but we were the first group to make the beeping sound.

We tried many other metal objects and found out that it can’t have the same metal. At first we used copper nails and zinc nails. How we did it was we got a container with water then but some salt in it then we put in nails the last step was to put the clips of the buzzer on the nails and it made a ringing. You should try to do it one time!

Out of all the experiments we did I really enjoyed doing water with salt because we made the beeping sound with a lot of different things. Something I found challenging was finding lots of things that worked with the water.

Have you ever created electricity from water?

Have You Done And Experiment Like This? Leave A Comment If You Have!


Kia ora,


Over the first few weeks of Term 3 we have been reading and writing all different types of poetry.


List Poems: I discovered that a list poem is a poetic form that presents ideas, images, or emotions through a series of items or descriptions. It was interesting to find a topic to write about then find different things about them.


Limericks: I learned that a limerick is a humorous five-line poem with a distinctive rhyme scheme and a bouncy rhythm. I enjoyed making funny limericks because its pretty easy.


Blackout Poetry: I discovered that Blackout poetry is the art of selectively erasing words from existing texts to create new poetic compositions. It was interesting to find different words to black out so the writing makes sense.


Biographical Poetry:  


Tall, smart, Good Friend and Funny

Sport and gaming

Loves Gaming, listening to music and his amazing friends

Spiders and darkness

I wonder what happens after death

I wish that i will get rich

I dream of having a red panda

I feel neutral or happy

I plan to work in a zoo

Has a pet Cat


Over the last two weeks we have had so much fun making different types of poems

I really enjoyed making all the limericks because they made me laugh

I found it hard to make the black out poem because it wouldn’t make any sense half of the time.


What is something new you learned about poetry from my blog?

Poem Poem Poem Poem

Marvelous Math


This week at maths we have been looking at probability. Probability is basically the chance of getting something. For example flipping a coin and getting tails is a 50% chance, Because you never know what it can land on.

The math create was about The mid-winter breakfast. we had to figure out which  food item was the most popular between 45 guests.              I noticed that Sausage sizzle had the least amount of times because it had been landed on only 8 times. Next was Porridge it had been landed on only 11 times. And Hot chocolate and hot cakes Tied with a total of 13 each.

Here is my link to my Maths Create: Link